Cugó Gran Collection celebrates World Animal Day

Global animal protection is a critical issue that many fight for and face daily. To celebrate World Animal Day, with the main aim to help bring people together, increase awareness and improve education worldwide so animals can live the lives they deserve, the IBB Hotel and Cugó Gran Collection has conducted a Supply Chain Audit, ensuring that all suppliers comply with the standards outlined in the company’s Supplier Code of Conduct, which also touches on the fair treatment of animals.

“We firmly believe that together we can change the way the world works and end animal cruelty and suffering. Through our supply chain audit we were able to assess suppliers on the quality of the eggs supplied; making sure they are of free-range origin and whether any pork products have been ‘produced’ without the use of gestation crates. We are committed to the welfare and protection of animals and our policies will ensure we continue to meet the highest standards of animal welfare.”

Our approach to animal welfare

The IBB Hotel and Cugó Gran Collection seek to treat animals lawfully, morally, and humanely across the value chain, which includes operations, the supply chain, and communities. The following “freedom of care” informs our approach to animal welfare — freedom from hunger, thirst, and malnutrition; freedom from fear and distress; freedom from heat stress or other physical discomfort; freedom from pain, injury, and disease; and freedom to behave normally.

Here’s our freedom of care approach across the value chain:


    • We vehemently oppose and forbid any trade-in, or promotion of wildlife or animal parts or products that is against national or international law.  

    • We ensure that all food and beverage operations offered by or housed within an entity (including operations run by third parties) abide by relevant laws and the Group’s sustainability commitments.  

    • We make sure that no kind of wild animal is purchased, bred, or kept in captivity at our facilities unless by qualified, authorised individuals who are doing so in accordance with local and international laws.

Supply chain

    • We hold our suppliers to the standards set out in our Animal Welfare Statement, as well as the Supplier Code of Conduct, which is part of our Sustainability and Social Responsibility Policy. 

    • We demand that all of our suppliers follow humane practices to protect animals at all times, including throughout their care, transportation, and processing. 

    • We urge our suppliers to enforce animal welfare standards among their suppliers and subcontractors. 

    • Concerning ethical egg and pork sourcing, entities are required to adhere to animal welfare guidelines. 

    • The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) identified endangered species using the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) rankings. Entities are prohibited from acquiring these species unless they come from sources that have been approved. 


    • We work to advance a responsible strategy for wildlife-based tourism, one that will both directly benefit local people and achieve real conservation goals. 

    • Where appropriate, our entities should adhere to the rules for managing and promoting visits to natural places in order to reduce negative effects and increase visitor satisfaction. In order to prevent negative consequences on the animals involved, interactions with free-roaming wildlife should be minimally intrusive and carefully handled. 

At IBB Hotel and Cugó Gran Collection our ultimate goal is to source all animal products from local organic farmers, by which we do not only ensure top-quality products for our guests, but also make sure that animals are treated fairly as well as support local farmers.

About World Animal Day

World Animal Day is an annual event on the 4th of October, celebrating animal rights and welfare around the world. It’s an important day and has been marked since 1925, with a growing international community striving to end the needless suffering of all animals.

By increasing awareness and improving education worldwide, everyone involved is helping to create a space recognising wild and farmed animals as sentient beings with thoughts, feelings, and individual personalities. Their welfare and treatment must reflect this.

Our pledge to sustainability

Each month, at IBB Hotel Collection we have been promoting an eco-action. We started the year with Veganuary, a plant-based revolution that advocates for more people and businesses to embrace a lifestyle that involves the consumption of less animal products.

We want 60% of all our meal options across our IBB hotels in Europe, as well as our Cugó Gran brand, to be vegan and vegetarian as of 2024.

We want to make a positive impact, and let our actions speak for themselves.

If you would like an overview of our 2023 sustainability initiative, take a look here. Stay tuned for next month’s initiative announcement! We also encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with our latest announcements, news and offers.